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Best ways to help a mum with a newborn

It’s always a very exciting time when a new baby arrives. Everyone can not wait to have cuddles and to breathe in that new born baby smell!! With all the snuggles, smooches and cooing over this incredible new life, remember that there is a new mum who is tired, sore and in need of 3-day sleep!

Here are some practical things that you can do to help Mum out while she is getting into the routine of having a newborn.


Bring a meal

Bringing around a meal, especially one that can be frozen, is an excellent gesture and so welcomed. Some days it can be a struggle to get a meal together if you have a newborn that just won’t settle and having something that can be pulled out of the freezer is perfect! Even small portions meals that Mum can pull out for lunch for herself would be very much appreciated. Meals such as Lasagne, casserole, curry’s, savoury muffins, pizza scrolls, scones and pies are all great choices.

A bit of housework

Throw on a load of washing on, sweeping and mopping the floor, doing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen table, folding clothes or vacuuming the floor (not while baby is sleeping) are all simple jobs anyone can do to help out. Hopefully mum won’t be offended and let her know you don’t mind doing one or two things to take the load off her. Let her know that you want to help and she can relax, have a coffee and a chat while you just do a basic clean up of an area.

Quick grocery Shop

Heading out the door with a newborn can be a mission in itself. Asking the new Mum if she needs anything from the shop or just picking up some bread, milk, tea, coffee or even nappies before you come around would certainly be appreciated. Milk and Bread can always be frozen and a coffee loving mum will never not need a fresh jar!!

Taking Mum and Bub out for a coffee

For a new Mum, taking your new baby can be a bit daunting. Offering to go for a walk, trip to the shops or café and helping mum out can be really helpful, especially if she hasn’t left the house in a few days.

Take the older kids to the park

If you can, getting the older siblings out of the house for an hour or two to play at the park, free museum or just long walk around the block can give Mum an opportunity to rest/sleep, shower, bond with her newborn or just sit in peace. What ever she decides to do, she will definitely appreciate you entertaining the older kids.

A gift pack for Mum

When visiting a newborn, usually the first thing we do is bring a present for the baby, forgetting about mum who has had to go through labour to bring this beauty into the world. Getting Mum a little pamper pack, something special for herself, can really make Mum’s day. This could be massage or haircut voucher, dinner voucher or even offer to babysit the kids so her or her and her partner can get out for an evening.

Take photos

Getting a photo of Mum and Bub that isn’t a selfie is a perfect idea. An image that she can cherish, even share on her social media. You don’t have to be a professional to snap a good photo.  Just keep clicking so she has a few to choose from. If her partner is there or her older children, get them in as well!!


Just Listen

Now this one is extremely important. PND (postnatal depression) is REAL. Asking Mum how she is doing and really listening is so important for her mental health and wellbeing. If something is going on, you don’t have to know the answers, encouraging her to seek help could be enough and continual support and checking in could really make the world of difference to a suffering mum. Even if nothing is wrong, an adult conversation is something that all mothers need! Just feeling that connection with another human being can be enough to for a new Mums emotional wellbeing.


Of course, these are all just suggestions, if Mum doesn’t want to take you up on your offers of help, just sitting and talking with her can be enough!

What was something that helped you out when you had a newborn? We would love to hear you suggestions/experiences and I am sure other Mum’s would too!